If you are in a habit of reading self help books, you will find that nearly all authors will focus on the belief system and related topics in first few pages. What do you think makes the author comment on the power of belief initially? It’s something which you would never have thought of in your wildest imagination! If, the author is incapable of helping you build a belief system there is no point in going forward with the book. The first quality you need to inculcate is, to believe in yourself. Ultimately if you want to change, you need to believe you are capable of changing. Let’s face it; any accomplishment is 80% belief and 20% action. You have innumerable capabilities in you to become a winner, still the question that haunts all of us is, why are we not the best in our field? The answer lies within you! Introspect and find out what are you made off? Do you have all the firepower to become the best? We all have experienced the power of belief. We may have outrun a powerful opp...
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