Most often we see that winners continue to win and losers continue to lose, in every endeavor they take up. Thus the saying “Winning is a habit; so is losing” . We can attribute this phenomenon to the power of positive intent. People, who have tuned into a rhythm of achieving, continue to achieve owing to their powerful intent to win. This concept struck me as new, when I heard it from a very successful person at a seminar last week. The fact is that all of us would have experienced the power of positive intent, but aren't aware of it. Only when we counsel with a person who is an achiever , do we realize this fact. We all are achievers when it comes to getting what we want. We all had worked hard and acquired admission in a college of our choice. We then coached ourselves for recruitment into a reputable firm. These are actually our set of achievements, but not the kind that we could place in our resumes’ and so we take them for granted. ...
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