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Showing posts from April, 2009

The Power of positive intent...

Most often we see that winners continue to win and losers continue to lose, in every endeavor they take up. Thus the saying “Winning is a habit; so is losing” . We can attribute this phenomenon to the power of positive intent. People, who have tuned into a rhythm of achieving, continue to achieve owing to their powerful intent to win.      This concept struck me as new, when I heard it from a very successful person at a seminar last week. The fact is that all of us would have experienced the power of positive intent, but aren't aware of it. Only when we counsel with a person who is an achiever , do we realize this fact. We all are achievers when it comes to getting what we want. We all had worked hard and acquired admission in a college of our choice. We then coached ourselves for recruitment into a reputable firm. These are actually our set of achievements, but not the kind that we could place in our resumes’ and so we take them for granted.    ...

Life is very simple…Lets not complicate it.

Just like the saying goes "You can't teach an old dog new tricks", it's seemingly impossible to explain to aged people how simple is life. As man progresses in age he gains in experience but compromises his flexibility. He judges an opportunity through his experience rather than by logical reasoning or facts furnished. The younger we are, the less conditioned we are to the real world. Most of you may agree that the real world is dirty and smeared with slander. But all things in this world are not false, are not thorns, are not ditches and pit falls; just like the two sides of a coin, there is a brighter side to life. Life may have many good and bad anecdotes. If you look at in a bad way you get bad things. Mostly people forget to enjoy the small goodies that life brings in. I got into business while I was at college. There were numerous road blocks and obstacles, which would at times overwhelm me. But I knew I had to face these to achieve success. Most ...

Million Dollar Habits..

Just like the laws of physics is applicable to all moving bodies, so is it applicable to the human mind. Now you would have heard me define the new laws of momentum = skill X speed of using the skill , just like that the law of inertia is very well applicable to the human mind.           The laws of inertia states that any body will continue in its state of rest or motion unless acted by external force. Human minds also have some inertia in overcoming changes or addiction. Over these years the experts call it by the name HABIT. Our habit is what we develop through the years and later that develops us.           Its the same habit that wakes up in the morning, prepares us for school, college or work and then help us retire to bed. Its the same habit that builds our relationship, acquaintance, work, business and politics. If we change our habit we can change the way we live, work, spend time with ...

I am a born salesman..

You can be proud to speak these words; anytime, anywhere since sales is the most challenging, yet rewarding profession. Most people look down upon salespersons, not realizing the power they possess. In doing so we simply are not accepting the truth that we are all born salesmen. An infant need not be given a sales training to get whatever he needs. A kid knows how to sell himself to get a new toy or freebie. But as we advance in age, we look down upon the entire aspect of sales and salespeople. Lets take some time to analyse why salespeople are not amongst the most respected in our society. If you are educated, have a professional degree in engineering, medicine, law or any other subject and I ask you to get out and sell soaps from door to door, would you do it? – NO, not in a 1000 years even if I promise to give you $1,000,000 for the sales you make. The degree you have in hand is an albatross around your neck, demanding you to work in some reputed firm and not be seen selling some ...

Meeting New People....Something out of syllabus…

Meeting new people is an activity, that, only a very few of us get to do. Let me describe to you why this topic is very fascinating and one that is mostly missed out of our lives. We generally miss out on this crucial aspect because we get carried away by our work and workplace politics to the extent that our friend’s circle narrows down to our colleagues, spouse’s friends, parents’ friends and perhaps some selected relatives. If we work in the banking sector, its almost sure that our friends will also belong to the same sector. It’s totally out of syllabus to have long lasting relationships with people from the retail sector. Let’s have a look at why things are this way. A few years back we all had good friends from school, college or from our early years of career. Then somewhere down the lane, we lost contact with many of them. What we often fail to keep is this circle of old friends. It is not something to be blamed on anyone. As we get busy with our lives we don’t take pa...