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Showing posts from August, 2009

The people that matter are the ones most ridiculed at..

You might have seen the board "Driving School" on cars. What is a driving school? Its a place where we go to learn driving. They might have helped us get a drivers license - but the real learning must have come when we took the automobile out on road alone, heard all the shouting and honking of other vehicles and we really sweated it out. When we hear such rejections and shouting, we make a choice - either to stop driving or to learn the trade. This is why many licensed people out there sit at home. We are fortunate to have an academic qualification. The moment we think of our degree, we say "Thanks to the lovely friend of mine, to help me by showing the answers..." We might have taken the degree, but are we really educated? This habit of getting things done through shortcut slowly spreads into the business world, for people who step into the shoes of an Entrepreneur - expects results to come overnight. The first question they ask is there a shortcut to become rich?...

You can only give what you have….

If I give you 3 apples, its only because I had 3 or more apples with me. Now I will not be able to give you 3 apples if I have none. The same is true with all things in this world – you can only give something to someone – if you have plenty of it. Now its interesting to spend some time with a good friend, we cannot forget how they make us feel happy. The happiness you receive was a part of the happiness that was actually given to you by your friend. If your friend was not happy – you neither would have been one and never would you have spent time with him. Nothing can be created, everything can be changed to one form or other – cannot we apply this law here, sure we can. The law of heat transfer also states – heat flows from a hotter body to a colder one. Just like happiness flows from a person who is happier to the one who is less happy. Lets think about the realism this concept has – if someone gives you an advice or mentors you, it might be because he has went through the pros and ...

Every SIngle effort brings in multiple rewards...

In a ll our prior discussions, we have consistently been trying to correlate the human mind and it’s behavior to the objects/particles , guided by the L aws of S cience , and it’s various phenomena . Our effort to apply Newton ’s & Darwin’s laws to the human mind has gained some momentum. We now have made enough observations, to believe that most L aws of Science, be it physics; chemistry or biology , w ere framed by studying the human mind and its behavioral patterns.   The human mind in itself is the biggest discovery on the planet. A glance through history, will tell us that never has been so much effort put in to learn about the human mind until the last 50 years.   Humans started discovering all outer things, even before knowing the true inner things. Unbelievable but true. Someone once said, that we are not even using 90% of our brain capacity in our whole lifetime.   Just imagine, if we could create wonders with the 10% usage, what could be the result...