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Showing posts from 2008

Leadership....You either Lead, Follow or get out of the way...

As competition gets stronger day by day, the word leadership assumes many more meanings. One of the strongest and the lasting pillars of entrepreneurship is leadership. It’s not just enough to be a manager but also a leader, to be an entrepreneur. To quote Robert Kiyosaki’s words “On the right side of the cash flow quadrant leadership is not an option”; it is mandatory. Now let’s analyze what makes a leader? The dictionary defines a leader as the ‘ One who is in charge or in command of others’ . But we all know that a leader should be multi faceted to get his work done. May be, in the 18th or 19th century, the most charming and authoritative person was called the leader. The king was usually the one who led because he’d got power in him. But we know, in the 21st century we seldom respect a person who is an authoritarian, leadership is no longer commanding power – it’s the ability to socialize and get things done in the quickest time possible. A Leader is a person who mostly initia...

Power to influence...Not just in the papers….

Power is a term which is familiar to all of us. It is a representation of the strength of a person, be it muscle power or the influence he has on society. The physical strength of a human being is of little value when compared to the whole animal species on earth. However, our mind power is our biggest asset that has helped us accomplish so much and keep achieving more. Power as such is a vast topic to be discussed. I would like to comment on the innate power in each one of us. How we can utilize our inbuilt power to conquer more, to achieve more. Each one of us has some goals in our lives which motivates us to go forward. Wherever we are, whatever we are doing – we are equipped with some latent power that aids us to perform better. Suppose we have taken up a job for a living, the most important factor we need to concentrate on is the learning and growth we need to extract out of it. Not only in a job, but in any phase of life, if we compromise on the learning aspect then surely w...

Punctuality...Your tool to save time…

We all know that for any business, time is equal to money. We all have the same 24 hours everyday, and we all have agreed that the way we spent our time really matters to what we are achieving. The more time we save, the more productive we become. Most cost cutting methods are time centric activities. Lets all understand that punctuality has an important part to play in saving precious time. We need to be meticulous in our activities. We all have had numerous instances of wasting time, waiting for the CEO, MD, Director or other dignitaries to come and convene some meeting. On all these instances, we've complained about people not being punctual. Just think, had you been the owner of the company, would you have left your employees to unnecessarily waste half hour simply waiting for you to start the meeting? One of the vital credential of all major personalities is their ability to adhere to their time schedule. Not only are they saving their time but many other's as well. By de...

Association...The key to achieving your goals…

The person that you were yesterday, that you are today and will be tomorrow depends on your circle of friends more than any other factor in the world. You will never remain poor when you are in a circle of rich people. Conversely, it’s also true that, you cannot have millionaire thoughts when you are mixed with mediocre people. This is true not just for humans, but also for all living beings in this universe. The newborn of an eagle will not be able to fly high if it’s mixed with chickens. So is true for a cub when mixed with kittens; it will not grow up to be as ferocious as it ought to be. Years of study and research has only corroborated this fact. Let’s analyze the principle behind it. Who are the people, who influence us the most? Upon whose advice do we decide to attempt or not attempt something? Ultimately, who are the people whom we trust the most? Undoubtedly, it is our friends and this is the simple principle behind the theory of association. The society we live in also dec...

“KISS”...Keep it Simple and Stupid...

Most often we see business deals or proposals simply flying out of our hands, just because we cared too much to explain all the complexities in the plan. Many of us have personal experience of the same happening and others must have seen it happening around them or read about it in the newspapers. We all have some services to sell. And we all have accepted that every one of us is a born salesman. The only difference is that some people accomplish far more sales than others; they become millionaires. It has also been agreed that the total money being circulated in any market is more or less the same; when some people become rich naturally the others end up becoming poor. There has always been a constant effort from the governments' part to protect the interests of the poor. Certain private organisations have also sought to alleviate poverty. Everyone truly wants poverty out of our as well as our loved ones' lives. But nothing anyone has done, has ever made it possible to eradi...

Super Conscious Mind...And it’s ability to switch states...

We human beings have a body, mind and soul. To control the soul is humanly impossible, but we have heard extraordinary stories of people performing superhuman activities by controlling their souls. Miracles can be performed by us, ordinary folks, too, not by gaining control of our soul, but through controlling our minds. By controlling the mind, we can naturally control our body. Gaining control of the mind is similar to driving an automobile; we are attempting to control a machine 1000 times more powerful than ourselves. Our mind has various states like love, emotion, anger, frustration, jealousy, greed, satisfaction etc. Broadly it can be classified into the assisting states and the hampering states . All emotions like love, enthusiasm, satisfaction, helping mentality, sharing, caring and affection comes in the assisting state while negative qualities like anger, frustration, greed and jealousy make up the hampering state. [Courtesy: Unlimited Power –Anthony Robbins] Accordin...

Boldness of Character...Lets not live in fear...

If we look around and analyze, we find that most people succumb to fear. It’s quite natural that we do something when fear dominates us. We have been brought up that way, we cannot complain. Fear is something that freezes our mind. Neither will we be able to think sensibly nor react because of the dominance of fear in our lives. If we look back to our childhood days, we’ll find that we were all made to do things out of fear. We must have heard more than a thousand threatening “NO”s from our parents even before we were 3 years old. But not every one of us has been brought up that way. Special thanks should be given to those parents who encouraged their kids to do things because they were motivated by it, rather than by inculcating fear in their young minds. Sometime back I went to my aunt’s house. She had a boy who was almost 3 years old. I still remember what she said when he wanted to climb up the stairs to the first floor of the house; she said “Don’t do it! Or the ghost in the fir...

In pursuit of happiness...Always ask the golden question...

It has been very rightly said that life is a journey, not a destination - a journey in search of happiness. The greatest yearning of a human being is to attain the state of blissful joy. Man is perpetually trying hard to keep himself and people around him happy. Our lives would have no value if we had everything else but happiness. The topic of this week’s newsletter is not happiness, rather the question you need to ask yourselves to be happy; i.e. am I happy with what I’m doing right now? If not, will I be happy when I do what I love to do? Each individual has a distinct character and taste. Some love to rack their brains, in pursuit of a discovery; some love to freak out at the pubs and discos; yet others may love to sit in front of their computer all day or toil in the field to become an Olympic champion. Even though happiness is spelt the same, the meaning is different for each of them. If you continue doing what you where doing until now, will it make you happy? We humans are b...

Networking.... The guide to unlimited power...

The word network is a most common but least understood word in our day to day vocabulary. Network is something which you built initially and later it builds you. Let me begin with the definition of a network. Network is a cluster of entities bound together by a common purpose. We have the electric transmission network, which brings power to our households; we have the satellite communication network which brings home entertainment and telephone utilities. If we look around, we can actually see a network behind all successful systems. All successful personalities for that sake are highly net-worth individual. It’s the secret behind building a fortune out of your life, because it awards the individuals involved, with power beyond our imagination. It is this latent power of networking that helps the rich become even richer. Let me explain; suppose you start a cable TV operation in your town; you start of by providing connections to around 20 families in the first phase. Surely you’ll b...

Mistakes...The more you make, the more the chances to win...

“Mistakes”- the very word brings fear to our minds. Everyone fears making a mistake but we’re even more scared of having to admit one. Have you ever thought why making mistakes is one of the most fearful aspects of our lives? Ever since childhood, our parents and elders have taught us the importance of being earnest. But even then all of us have lied on some occasion or the other. Why? The answer to the earlier question lies here as well. We’ve all lied because we were not ready to face the consequences. If some one told us, “Its ok child – tell me the truth, I am not going to punish you for it”, we would most often have ended up telling the truth. Any mistakes we make in our life, whether personal or official is also to be dealt with in the same way. If our boss, client or business partner has an attitude which tells us, “Its ok that you made a mistake – after all mistakes are stepping stones to success”; then we wouldn’t have any issue in admitting that we made one. It’s only huma...

Momentum Revisited...More of speed than skill…

I could understand from the feedback received on the previous newsletter that some of you had difficulty in assimilating the new definition of momentum that I had put forth. So I have decided to revisit the topic and explain a bit further. In the previous newsletter I’d defined business momentum as the product of skill and speed. Most often we see in business, that leaders tend to increase their speed infinitely so as to compensate for their lack of skill, to keep pace with the market. This phenomenon can be clearly seen in the billion dollar retail industry. Almost all major players focus primarily on improving their customer network prior to improving the quality of products. This is because of the immense latent power in networking. It would be foolish for a retail distributor to limit his operations to a single centre and concentrate on improving his products rather than on improving the quality of operation. This phenomenon can be seen all around us, but we may not have given it s...

Momentum...The product of skill and speed.....

Physics defines momentum as the product of mass and velocity. We all know how powerful an attribute momentum really is, in science and otherwise, not just because of the meaning it conveys but also because of the dangerous impact it can have. It’s just not enough to have mass alone or velocity alone, they need to complement each other, so that their product is maximum. We all know the power of a moving neutron; it is capable of disintegrating an atom 1000 times heavier than it. Let’s analyze the principle behind this. Even though the mass of the neutron is very less, the momentum it has gathered makes it possible to create one of the most disastrous bombs ever discovered by humans. Apply this principle to your business and you’ll be able to solve any problem. If we just apply a little thought now, won’t we get the answer as to how to build the largest business empire? The answer lies within you. The important thing is not how talented you are, but how many times in a day you use t...

Commitment....You need to give all that you’ve got...

To be a winner we need to give all that we’ve got; in simple words, be committed to our goal. It is quite natural that we eat up most of our resources before tasting success. Success is not easy, but its simple. Opportunity comes unnoticed; it rings up the calling bell when it arrives. We usually open the door and see if the opportunity is for us, we either grab it or let it fly by. But it’s a mistake to believe success comes unseen; it doesn’t have to ring up the calling bell for us to notice. In fact, we can see it coming long before it even reaches our doorsteps because it is usually the product of our hard work, wisdom and the decisions we make. Another definition for commitment would be “to consistently persist”. To have commitment, we need to have a goal. Let me not use the word “dream” and “chasing the dream”, let me instead use the word “goal”. We all know we can achieve anything provided we are given ample time. But the question is can you do it in record time? When we set a...