If we look around and analyze, we find that most people succumb to fear. It’s quite natural that we do something when fear dominates us. We have been brought up that way, we cannot complain. Fear is something that freezes our mind. Neither will we be able to think sensibly nor react because of the dominance of fear in our lives.

Sometime back I went to my aunt’s house. She had a boy who was almost 3 years old. I still remember what she said when he wanted to climb up the stairs to the first floor of the house; she said “Don’t do it! Or the ghost in the first floor will eat you”. The moment he heard it, he dropped the idea of climbing the stairs, because he was scared of “ghosts”. Just imagine how badly it must have affected his morale. Will it not harm the consciousness of a young boy?

All those homework or assignments never helped me clear any examinations. If someone asked me why I did them, the reply would’ve been “the teacher wants this on time”. The truth is that, if something has to beneficial, we need to put our heart and soul into it. We should be doing it, because we really want to do it.
Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive -- the risk to be alive and express what we really are.
We have atleast heard a billion refusals, rejections, NO’s in our entire life till date. This has somehow become a habit. We naturally tend to stop attempting things or doing things in a different way because of the fear of failure. We can’t be blamed, because it’s the society that gave us this habit.

It’s a big crime to stop attempting things thinking of the failure. Lets all be motivated by success than failure. Even though we were brought up thinking of failures in our lives, let’s not be stuck with the past habits and ruin our lives.
Your life ahead is going to depend on how you react. Be bold, because you can’t live in fear…
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