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Showing posts from 2009

and the research goes on...

What is success? How can we Measure it? Can we say we become happy if we are successful? Is success a milestone, or is it a roadmap?     There are many questions like these that still remain unanswered. My quest for success and the reasons why people become successful still remains unanswered.     There should be some fine line that separates the successful from the non-successful, but what can it be? If 100 people try hard the same way, believe things the same way and even do things the same way, only 5 will be successful. How can god behave so miserly here?    Researches say being successful is more of mind play than physical doing. Now what can that mindset be?     If everyone knew how to be successful, there would be drought and famine here – somehow that’s not logical, god doesn’t want it that way. Out of every 100 people only 5 needs to be successful, 50 people should work for this 5 people and 45 people should be broke – that...

The first thing you need to have is a good "BACKBONE"

In this fast changing world, fast changing ideology - mere survival is no more audacious, but excelling is. The most important thing we need to have is a strong backbone, one that will help us take wise decisions.    We cannot believe the rate at which things around us keep changing. The rate of changes has increased so steadfastly, that things we read in science fictions are becoming reality now.    For a glimpse of the changes taking place, lets see the no of car manufactures in our market, 10 years back we knew every model, 20 years back we kept count of the people around who actually owned cars. It is the case with every buy-able thing.    Things are changing so alarmingly that we cannot keep track of the information. The one thing that is going to really matter in the scenario is a good decision.     The great thing about a decision is that, it is going to mould your future; the bad thing is that you need to have a strong backbone to tak...

And people say I am greedy…

We need to invent a new word that stands between desire and greed. Desire is the longing to get what you want, greed is the longing to get things beyond your reach. If you keep a daytime job, have a small car, rent a house and survive – all people around you adore you, they wish to spend time with you. Because they know you are middle class, they know you have the same set of problems they have. So they have a company to keep complaining of their problems. The moment you own a toyota or chevy, shows it off to one of your old poor friend, take them for a ride and tell them “I dream to own a BMW or merc” – they say you are greedy. People have all the excuses for not doing something, if all are struggling and no one is succeeding, all are happy – remember the story of the crabs in a jar with the lid open.  The moment someone escapes the rat race and becomes financially independent – people start backstabbing him, they say 1000 stories why is doesn’t deserve to be a millionai...

The people that matter are the ones most ridiculed at..

You might have seen the board "Driving School" on cars. What is a driving school? Its a place where we go to learn driving. They might have helped us get a drivers license - but the real learning must have come when we took the automobile out on road alone, heard all the shouting and honking of other vehicles and we really sweated it out. When we hear such rejections and shouting, we make a choice - either to stop driving or to learn the trade. This is why many licensed people out there sit at home. We are fortunate to have an academic qualification. The moment we think of our degree, we say "Thanks to the lovely friend of mine, to help me by showing the answers..." We might have taken the degree, but are we really educated? This habit of getting things done through shortcut slowly spreads into the business world, for people who step into the shoes of an Entrepreneur - expects results to come overnight. The first question they ask is there a shortcut to become rich?...

You can only give what you have….

If I give you 3 apples, its only because I had 3 or more apples with me. Now I will not be able to give you 3 apples if I have none. The same is true with all things in this world – you can only give something to someone – if you have plenty of it. Now its interesting to spend some time with a good friend, we cannot forget how they make us feel happy. The happiness you receive was a part of the happiness that was actually given to you by your friend. If your friend was not happy – you neither would have been one and never would you have spent time with him. Nothing can be created, everything can be changed to one form or other – cannot we apply this law here, sure we can. The law of heat transfer also states – heat flows from a hotter body to a colder one. Just like happiness flows from a person who is happier to the one who is less happy. Lets think about the realism this concept has – if someone gives you an advice or mentors you, it might be because he has went through the pros and ...

Every SIngle effort brings in multiple rewards...

In a ll our prior discussions, we have consistently been trying to correlate the human mind and it’s behavior to the objects/particles , guided by the L aws of S cience , and it’s various phenomena . Our effort to apply Newton ’s & Darwin’s laws to the human mind has gained some momentum. We now have made enough observations, to believe that most L aws of Science, be it physics; chemistry or biology , w ere framed by studying the human mind and its behavioral patterns.   The human mind in itself is the biggest discovery on the planet. A glance through history, will tell us that never has been so much effort put in to learn about the human mind until the last 50 years.   Humans started discovering all outer things, even before knowing the true inner things. Unbelievable but true. Someone once said, that we are not even using 90% of our brain capacity in our whole lifetime.   Just imagine, if we could create wonders with the 10% usage, what could be the result...

The paradox of the “May I Help You” query..

The person whom we hear most often saying “May I help you, sir” is the receptionist. Their job mainly circles around finding the best solutions for their customers. Their duty lies in locating the right kind of resources, fulfilling the requirements of their esteemed customers. Someone said, “We are now living in a customer focused world – we need to be treating the customer like the king”. That’s right. The customer is the most important person; if they are not there – we don’t survive. It was when I was having a discussion with an entrepreneur that it occurred to me that, there also exists a paradox to the “May I help you” query. This is something that we never thought off, and its trueness is still uncertain. For the people who believe in ego and inferiority complexes, when someone says “May I Help you”, he is actually offering to help you on areas that you are not aware of. He is willing to put his time and efforts to ensure you are being served. He has access to information and re...

Just Shut Up and Listen... (JSUpL)

If you are confident, get up and speak, if you don’t know the answer Just Shut Up and Listen (JSUpL). These words are not unfamiliar, but are truly unpracticed. Its almost natural for us to react to situations around but most often we forget to whether we are the right person to advice people. Whatever is your age, experience, qualification – you need to develop the habit of listening to topics that you are not aware of. You need to respect the person who is helping you learn new practices and principles. Most often our ego gets in the way and protects us to learn things from people who are not qualified, inexperienced, under aged but with knowledge. This is so true, and just like it applies to me, it applies to you as well. Let think of this situation, you are 8+ years experienced in your organization, now a fresher comes in and talks about things that are knowledgeable and intellectually correct – but your ego gets in the way, and your years of experience logically defends the freshe...

Theory of Technological evolution – REVISITED.

The advance of technology by the human race was more or less visited in the last week’s discussion. Lets remain focused with this phenomenon that is creating tremors around for many a business owners as well as corporate people. Now lets closely analyze the latent power this episode has got. We had discussed earlier that the current generation has got all the probabilities to rein supreme than the preceding one. Its also true that the current generation should, in all ways try to accomplish far more than the preceding ones did. It means we need to really fire on all cylinders and work harder than them. Most of us are working on the principle “scarcity creates demand”. If we look back into history and see the evolution of the super power called Japan, we see that they were thoroughly struck with scarcity, they didn’t have food to eat, money to live, clothes to wear or anything to survive after the 2 nd world war. They actually had a choice to perish or to struggle harder. They did str...

The Theory of Technological Evolution..

What could be the first thing we recollect when we hear the word –Evolution, yes Charles Darwin and his studies on this wonderful topic. We can rest assure that these laws of Evolution are still being taught in schools today. Lets all salute to the wonderful insights and thought processes Darwin’s theory has given us. My discussion here is to stress the relevance evolution has on our day-to-day lives. Evolution is the art of inheriting capabilities from a person and then adding value to it. According to Darwin, Inheritance came only from parents ie genetic. We mold out to be better than our ancestors. We start out from where they left out. So the theory of Evolution holds good there, not just to the humans but to all creatures of the planet. According to his theory - "Natural selection acts to preserve and accumulate minor advantageous genetic mutations. Suppose a member of a species developed a functional advantage (it grew wings and learned to fly). Its offspring would inher...

Are you Lost in Thought (LIT) ?

Humans are the only species known to change their surroundings by changing their thoughts . This fact has been substantiated over the years, by exhaustive studies conducted by various scientists, all over the world. This ability of ours is not just because we are the most intelligent of all species on earth, but because we also have the ability to focus our energy on a dominant thought and make that come true. If you observe the many species on earth, you’ll find that they are all highly equipped to adapt to the situations around them. The polar bears have heavy fur to help them survive the cold, the chameleon has the ability to change colors to get away from a predator, tigers and cats can run fast to catch their prey, the antelopes and deer are provided with horns to fight their predators, the sharks are given powerful teeth to get their meal and many more. We find that almost all of god’s creations, other than man, have been created in such a way that helps them survive hardshi...

The dreams that come true are the ones you uphold daily…

Dreams are those fantasies of ours that are never meant to come true. Yet we hear people talk about "following one’s dreams, so as to achieve success and happiness in life." What we need to realize is that dreams can never be concluding, the moment we have achieved one - a better dream pops out of us. When we have progressed one level, we see that our dreams have progressed two levels. Dreams, Just like happiness, success are worthwhile when progressively realized .Every one of us have dreams, be it the one we see subconsciously when we sleep or the one we envisage during the daytime. No man has ever succeeded in intentionally stopping himself from dreaming. Experts are of the opinion that, the dreams we see at night are, in fact, the manifestations of our activities during the day. On the other hand, day-dreams are the manifestations of what we would like to do. They show us the picture of a prospective future, as we want it to be. And these are the ones that will, in real...

who can be a mentor ?

Mentor: [men-tawr, -ter] : noun: (1) a wise and trusted counselor or teacher. (2) an influential senior sponsor or supporter. verb (used without object) (3) to act as a mentor: She spent years mentoring to junior employees. Mentee :[men-tee] : noun: a person who is guided by a mentor. The dictionary defines a mentor and a mentee in just a few simple words, but that does not give a complete picture of the privileges and power these people have got. A Mentor is someone who gives an honest and wise advice to his/her followers. Of the many followers, the one who grasps his advice and goes ahead to use them are mentees. All of us may have a mentor, but not necessarily mentees. The reason for this being, "No one is perfect". We are all people who want to bring in perfection, be it in our personality, family relationships, work motivation, earning skill or the way we close sales. So we seek the help of a force greater than us to guide us. A mentor is someone who ...

Do we actually become free as we go up in the corporate ladder ?

Isn't it quite amazing to see that in the corporate world and any business in general, you find more work. struggle, tension, stress and burn outs as you go higher up the ladder? This is something that we have observed, and dared not question . Why do you think we will have more tensions and burnouts when we climb the so called corporate ladder? We generally expect to have more freedom, more time, more fun and more relaxation when we get promoted to a senior level, but we all find ourselves in a sorry state, with even greater tensions and responsibilities. Lets analyze the growth pattern of two kinds of people (1) Corporate employee (2) Businessman Corporate employees are instructed by their higher management to work harder, stay longer at work, learn all the extra skills required, do all that takes to get you promoted to the level of a manager. When a promotion is offered, naturally everyone accept it because it brings in more money or maybe more importantly, it’s reco...

Today is the first day of the rest of your lives...

”Today is the first day of the rest of your lives”... This is the truest statement I have ever heard. When our past gives us experience and the future waits with hope , today is the most promising day we ever have. The person we are, the decisions we make, the things we buy, the places we visit and almost everything we do is because we have this wonderful day called today. And for this wonderful ‘present’, I express my gratitude to almighty everyday. The golden rule in any self-sustaining business is “Learn – Do – Teach” and in the general corporate world it is “Learn – Teach”. This statement needs no further explanation. Almost all big business owners laid their foundation to LEARN the nuances of the business, taking time to DO it and later they become leaders and TEACH others to do the same. This is why the business is highly but delayed gratification. Now no one expects the corporate to follow the “L-D-T”, they get their businesses done by a mere “L-T”, seriously I do not know why...

Guaranteed recipes to fail...

There are certain things in this world to which we cannot attach a guarantee card, say happiness, love, friendship, affection, hatred, anger and frustration. All these may be counted as emotions or state of the mind, which may even be temporary .i.e. it can be changed by external forces and incidents. And there are others which come with a guarantee; say the TV that comes with a 5 year guarantee or the refrigerator or the air conditioner or the mobile phone or anything that we get to buy in the market.         Almost all manufactured products are offered a guarantee, be it 5 years or 5000 hours or 2 lakh kilometers. All man-made things can be given a surety, while almost all god given gifts cannot. This is the reason as to why we cannot guarantee we’ll be happy even when we earn $1,000,000,000. Who knows, we might be happier as a poor man.         I have heard people state that successes and failures are states of mind and that we have the abil...

Relationship is the key...

The most lacking yet the most valued attribute in our life, these days is relationship . Until a few years ago people had the time to be with one another, care for them and fall in love with their personalities. We had the time to stick by our friends in their times of need, so were they with us, during our tough times. A few years back everyone knew you, your family background and we knew them and their family people too. Most of our neighbours were our friends that we didn’t need to have a wall to keep away from them. We loved their company and cheer and they had the freedom to approach us, any time of the day.  Nowadays we’ve isolated ourselves from everyone by building tall fences and locking the gates so that our privacy is not encroached upon, by peeping neighbours. Our work culture is such that not only do we have no time for our family, but we also fail to maintain relationships within our social circle. Due to the restrictions on time we refrain to participate in social ...