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The paradox of the “May I Help You” query..

The person whom we hear most often saying “May I help you, sir” is the receptionist. Their job mainly circles around finding the best solutions for their customers. Their duty lies in locating the right kind of resources, fulfilling the requirements of their esteemed customers.
Someone said, “We are now living in a customer focused world – we need to be treating the customer like the king”. That’s right. The customer is the most important person; if they are not there – we don’t survive.
It was when I was having a discussion with an entrepreneur that it occurred to me that, there also exists a paradox to the “May I help you” query. This is something that we never thought off, and its trueness is still uncertain.
For the people who believe in ego and inferiority complexes, when someone says “May I Help you”, he is actually offering to help you on areas that you are not aware of. He is willing to put his time and efforts to ensure you are being served. He has access to information and resources that you don’t, hence, he is more supreme than you.
The person, who offers to help you, can be naturally considered as being superior to you. Just think about this, all the people who offered to help you were better than you at doing that particular stuff.
Even when you offer to help someone, you will be doing it in areas in which you are proficient. Say you are good at repairing fuses – now if your neighbor comes and asks you for help in changing fuse, will you not offer it? Think about it, since you were good at something, the other one wasn’t, your help was necessary. Now if you didn’t know how to repair fuses, you would surely look for someone in your neighborhood who knows how to do it.
Now think about all the occasions when people came forward to help you; all those people could help you, because they were better than you in that particular area.
This is the great paradox we need to walk with now. Our egos and complexes are now facing a big problem, whether to ask for help or to do things ourselves. The best way to keep your ego contented will be to use your skills to help people.
Pretty confused right, me too. But there is some flaw in this speculation; this cannot explain why people with less technical knowledge go places. This thought cannot explain why school dropouts, non-qualified people reign the business world.
May be I can think of an rationalization this way, the best thing you can do to become extraordinarily successful is to find people who keep saying “May I help you” and put them to work at things they are good at. This secret explains why entrepreneurs scale great heights and the common man is stuck in 9-9 jobs.
What we need to change is our thought paradigm, lets analyze these conditions.
Case 1: If you keep assigning tasks to people who are good at that, you can employ them as well as you can satisfy their ego
Case 2: If you allocate the right kind of resources to your people, they will always respect you – because they are doing stuffs that they are good at.
Case 3: They wont mind the salary, if they are given the work they love – think about all the people who keep complaining of salary and increments, they are people who do not love what they do.
Case 4: The person who is doing all these satisfies their ego as well - “they are ready to find people to do specific tasks for them”
There are many things in life that we cant explain, there are also some basic stuffs that need no explanation..


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