To make a mistake is the best way to learn; but repeating the same mistake again and again indicates carelessness or, perhaps, even foolishness. What if you made the same mistake, but under different circumstances? No matter how smart we are, we may be pulled into a crisis without notice. The only way out, then, is to ask people around you for help. And the good news is there’ll always be someone or the other to bail you out of trouble. All you’ve to do is to ask. Most often, people hesitate in helping thinking they’ll land up in greater trouble or perhaps doubting the genuinity of the person or the situation. Once you explain your problem, stating the true facts, they’ll be more than willing to help. Thinking from the giving side, wouldn’t we do the same? Last time I traveled by train, I was fined heavily for traveling on someone else’s ticket. At that moment, I had no other option but to call up my friends and ask for help. Luckily there was someone to rescue me. One of the less...