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Winners in the Downturn..... a sequel to the Great Economic Slowdown

Recently, I happened to hear an audio program called the Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale, renowned author and motivational coach. The message was so striking, that I couldn’t resist listening to it again and again. I ended up hearing it 3 times which speaks for itself, as to how inspiring the message was to me.
      Through the ‘The Strangest Secret’, Earl Nightingale tells us that, every single person on earth has a desire to be successful, has a desire to establish themselves as the top 10% in their field, but that only very few people are able to reach the pinnacle. He explains that, if 100 people were to be studied at the age of 25, almost all of them want to be successful in their lives. But out of the same 100 people, when analyzed at the age of 65, only 1 will be rich, 4 would be financially independent, 57 would be broke and rest would fall in the middle class with no savings.
        Most of us conform to things that happen around us; we wake up in the morning and go to office – because everyone else does. We do almost everything that we do, because everyone else does. The antonym to courage is not cowardice but conformity. Successful people first visualize where they wish to go and then start their journey. This is not just a theory. If we look closely into the lives of successful people, we can see this is what actually happens.
       We had started off on recession and its impact on us and more importantly, on how it’s going to mould our lives over the next 25 years. I appreciate your willingness to learn more about the opportunities that would help us beat the recession curve and surge ahead. We have actually made a transition from the industrial age to the information age. We now realize that a job is the byproduct of the industrial age, while, entrepreneurship is the byproduct of the information age. We can confirm this if we analyze why people who came into the same profession earlier were paid higher during their appraisal or confirmation. Now that we have an option to learn about the information age and make a transition.
      One can actually see the job opportunities and the so called coveted seats in corporate narrowing down. We can definitely live in style when we are upward middle class – because we have the money in hand to spend on luxury. Continuing to be in a so called job will actually eat our time as we climb up the corporate ladder. We will not have quality time with our family and loved ones, and our lifestyles will start to droop. Life/style is actually Time/Money. No matter whichever job you take on, you will see this sword hanging above your neck.
      A lot of you, whose parents are living in different countries trying to raise money for your education and to maintain a good life, would have experienced this firsthand. Just think how meaningless our family lives would be, if we cannot be with our loved ones when it’s most required.
      We need to be in a self sustaining business or a system that will help us realize the togetherness of time and money. For those of you in their 40s its not too late and those in 20s its not too early to switch yourselves to a new and promising career. It would help us be a part of the next trillion dollar industry and make some significant contributions to our economy. Just like the TATA’s and Ambani’s, it’s not hard to believe that you may leave a legacy for the generations to come if you take the right decision now


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