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Its Introspection time...All you want is all you have asked for..

How many of you really believe in the law of attraction. The law that brings prosperity, wealth or love. Yes, its quite true that you can bring what you think all day long. If you think prosperity – you attract prosperity, if you think debt – you attract debt. Now if its that simple, then why don’t everyone practice this simple law and turn their life 180 degree?
    The law holds good, just like a magnet, your mind attracts whatever it dreams off – but there is a condition. This is the most exciting news you are going to listen, something that can lift your spirit, something that you were searching for the last many years.
   We all know our mind can be broadly divided into conscious mind, sub conscious mind and unconscious mind. Now the power of subconscious mind is 1000 times more powerful than conscious mind, same is the case with unconscious mind with subconscious. But there is a problem, there is only one language the subconscious or lower unconscious mind accepts – the language of binary. Unlike conscious mind which can carry out complex arithmetic and language translations – lower minds can only read 1 or 0.
   Now what is the binary coding for the lower minds – very simple, it can only read two decision statements – either YES or NO. Eg: “I can drive a car” – 1, “I cannot sing” – 0, “I can take my family to dinner” – 1, “I can...” -1, “I cannot...” – 0. Now when you write down these codes into a sheet of paper, it will show something like this  10110. This has been carrying on for all the decisions you take. Now this unique code is what determines you, its that sum that makes you or breaks you.
   Suppose my arithmetic for the last 20 years looks like this  001010011011010101... and yours look like 1111001000111111..., the only difference might be one “1” or “0”, but that coding could make you super rich and me broke.
   The reality is that there is some unseen handshake made my all 3 minds, when that happens regularly, we become super achievers. I could explain the correlation of conscious and subconscious mind as simple as possible. The ability to set goals and to tenaciously dream is the character of conscious mind, but the person who makes that into reality is the subconscious mind. Now when your dreams are in the same direction that is when the law of attraction works wonders for you.
   I shall narrate it as a story than abstract words, suppose Mr.Ramesh, our hero is meeting up the richest man on the earth, he gets inspired and sets goal for becoming one like his role model. What the subconscious mind does is actually help him, makes sure all his resource are working with him to turn him into the worlds most richest man. Also the mind adds a “1” to the log.
    Next day, he sees a saint – doing some yoga on a deserted beach, he thinks in his mind – “Oh wow, what a life, he must be enjoying a freeman’s life, no tags attached..” Immediately the subconscious mind pulls all resources to help him become a saint. All what the subconscious mind knows is the help the conscious mind. Thus appends a “1” to the log, now since his previous two dreams are clashing the mind adds a “0” also to the log – ie “110” in total.
    Few days later, our Ramesh sees a gorgeous girl in town, then his mind wavers and then decides that he want to marry that girl. Poor subconscious mind, puts together all resources to help him achieve his dream, appends a “1” and “0” to the log.
   Now the code becomes “11010” – what has happened in the process is that Ramesh was giving commands to his lower mind that were contradicting his previous dream statements. This results in total confusion and slippage of personal success. Only a person with (“1111111”) consecutive ones for a short period can become successful. When you make a vision statement, the mind starts work for the same. Your next command should always be to assist the work, only then mental faculties become alive and take you the rightful destination.
   The major reason that law of attraction does not work is not because the law is incorrect, its because you don’t know how to use it. We are all situated at the footsteps of equal opportunity, your success till today is history – tomorrow is the same for you and me, if I start keeping stepping stones, there is no reason that I should live in darkness...


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